When someone comes to us with an idea of creating a new and improved mousetrap for a specific kind of mouse, we don’t just jump…we fly! Our client came to us with her just hatched business of producing sustainably-made, energy-charged lingerie for the yoga-loving, healthy lifestyle market. She had no visitors to her website, no social recognition, and no one knew she existed…except for an A-list celebrity Emma Watson who had just mentioned the company in an online feature article. This mention provided a short-lived hit of sales but then fell flat. Zero. Zilch! She was running out of capital fast. With the holidays fast approaching, we got to work to put this brand new product online, literally, with a whole new website, a weekly newsletter, and a promotions schedule, and we developed a multi-month, multi-platform campaign that marched her business happily into the holidays and rapid sales.

In addition to the multi-prong holiday campaign, she needed help to develop a passionate email list of prospects who resonate with her socially conscious mission and value her energy-charged lingerie. We developed an interactive guide to your chakras with direct selling links to purchase the lingerie featured on each page.

Expanding on the company-driven traffic, we broadened the product’s reach by creating an inspiration-led Instagram influencer program to show what the product looks like on women and connect the company’s social vision to the influencer’s social vision! This program extended to the company’s blog and provided valuable content for both the company and its readers.